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Welcome to Rowsdower's Web Development Page

You are Here. But, why?

Well, you are here to learn and to observe. That's pretty much it! I am still slowly designing the page layout for this train wreck. Nobody has ever accused me of being an artist and if you look around you can probably see why. Once I develop some striking color schemes and graphics I'll spruce this baby up a little but really, without content what's the point of a pretty layout? So task 1: Get some decent content and a respectable library of HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP scripts for basic design as well as a healthy amount of neat little tips and tricks.

If you would like to pass along some tips and tricks to me... you can't. I'm not setting up e-mail on this account. If you really, really want to pass along some tips and tricks then look for me on Coding Forums and send a PM. My user name ought to be easy enough to pin down...